Thursday, January 12, 2012

Red Fish

Red Fish weighs 45 lbs (90th percentile) and is 42.5 inches tall (90th percentile).   She is a tall, strong and healthy little girl.  She was a little bummed the doctor didn't give her any shots.  She was prepared to show him how brave she is.  She made a beautiful painting to take the doctor because he has a lot of paintings on his wall and "he must like art." 

The other day Red Fish told me: "My friend Buddy said no when I asked him to marry me.  It's okay though because we aren't getting married until we are old and he will change my mind by then."  (She meant he would change his mind.)  I don't think she has any real concept of having a crush on anybody yet.  She wanted to marry her Dad but when I told her he was taken she decided her best friend was the next logical choice.  She's just waiting on him to make the same decision.

Red Fish's speech therapist did an articulation test Monday.  It was the Goldman Frisco 2 test.  She tested at the age equivalent of 3 years, 3 months. Red Fish is currently 4 years 2 months so that means her articulation is a year behind. She had a mean score of 91.  Anything over 100 is considered to be developmentally appropriate.  She was in the 24th percentile.  She was only in the 8th percentile in April, 2011.  So she has made great progress.  We still have a ways to go.  I'm excited she made so much progress but a little disappointed as well.  I guess I was hoping for another miracle that would send her scores soaring like her expressive scores did.   Or maybe I'm just worn out from speech therapy.  I keep hoping we are done.  I'm so proud of all of Red Fish's hard work.  She has worked so hard.  I'm not disappointed in her at all, she is fabulous in every way.  Her expressive language and comprehension scores are off the charts.  She is a smart kid with a huge vocabulary.  Being her mother is a huge responsibility.

Red Fish wants to learn so many things.  She wants me to sit down and teach her one on one all the time.  I feel a little overwhelmed by the responsibility of having such a smart, inquisitive little girl. I think that's why I feel worn out by the speech.  I'd love to dedicate that time to learning something more fun.  I need to concentrate on my gratitude for the progress we have made together.


Blogful said...

A great update. Our kids are so similar in so many ways! I loved hearing more about her and I feel for you in your speech therapy struggles. It seems like every kid has some battle or concern and as a mom I always feel worn out with them. Joy in the journey though. Good reminder.

Linnea said...

It's exciting to hear their progress! I get excited for every little progress but I will admit to being discouraged this week because while Nathan doubled his composite reading score he is still waaaaay behind his peers.

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