Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Head Above Water

Right now, I need to give myself a pep talk and pull myself out of a funk. Sometimes I feel like I am swimming hard just to keep my head above water. I have so many balls in the air that I don't have time to breath. Instead of setting a few balls aside (which I've definitely been doing) I just want to drop them all and take a break. I want to do art with my kids. We need to fit in an hour of speech therapy. Maybe I should get dressed today? Nobody is sleeping at night. I'm trying to get along with everyone. I'm trying to stay artistically inspired and keep up with my work. I've had a fantastic summer with a lot of fun trips and great things have been happening... so why do I feel so tired?

So on with the pep talk.

Red Fish has made a lot of progress lately. Her vocabulary has expanded exponentially all of the sudden. I can hear her trying to repeat things I say. (Scary.) She makes up little songs and sings them around the house. She answers questions with a response other than yes or no. The extra time and effort we have put into speech therapy almost everyday is really starting to pay off. It's exciting to see her making this huge leap. We have an appointment for her tonsils next month and a few more tests. I feel like we are making some progress and at least headed in a good direction. It's a nice feeling, especially because things felt so stagnant for the last eighteen or so months.

I'm caught up for the most part on my graphic design work. It's always a game of hurry up and wait. I've gotten quite a few projects done this summer. My kids are adorable and I love my husband. Life is good. I need to learn how to roll with the punches.


Lisa said...

Maybe you just need a vacation from your vacation? That's how I felt a few weeks ago. All the summer trips and activities are fun, but there's something to be said for the rejuvenation that comes from just laying around with not much to do.

The Clem Family said...

I think you do a fantastic job at rolling with the punches. Just remember you're only one person and you can only do so much. Keep up the good work!

Linnea said...

You're great at rolling with the punches! I get tired too. Sometimes it seems like everything is important because it is. At times it's hard to prioritize each part of the day. I wish I could say it gets easier but what I'm learning is that we just get better and things seem easier. Hang in there--you're wonderful!

Blogful said...

Once I made a journal entry of all the things that made me happy or gave me peace and I try to go back and read them or add some to my day when I need a break. It helped. Life is like an ocean. This big wave will pass and you'll have stillness soon.
Also, someone told me that the hardest years of parenthood are the ones you are doing now: where the oldest can't quite help and the youngest is really needy too. It only gets easier.

Somers said...

I can really sympathize with you right now. Of course, I don't have nearly as many things that I am personally responsible for. Maybe the common link is not getting any sleep at night? That is bound to make anyone fall into a funk.

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