For some reason, when it comes to decorating my home, I move in slow motion. Things do not seem to come together very fast even though I wish otherwise. Some of this is a good thing because almost everything I have bought has been at thrift stores (horray for spray paint) or 50% clearance or a gift. A few things were bought out of some random people's cars or garage sales. I don't shop very often anymore so the deals have been further and further apart. Then I leave things in my basement waiting for me to finish them. I've decided to try and make my house look a little more put together so I've been cleaning things out and trying to decorate.
Two Fish hung up a ton of pictures etc. for me over the weekend. There are only a few things here that have even been purchased in the last couple months. Almost everything is 6months-2 years old and I've just barely gotten around to decorating with it. Isn't that sad?
These are my new message boards in the kitchen. I bought the frames at a thrift store, spray painted them and put chicken wire in them for clipping things to. I think I want to make one for the girl's bathroom to keep all of their hair bows on.
These are curtains I made for our bedroom. I bought all the curtain rods at a closeout sale 2 years ago and I've had the fabric for 8 months. I finally got around to putting them up. My favorite part is the ties with the puff balls on them. I should have pictures of my whole bedroom as soon as I finish it up this week.