Sunday, January 3, 2010

Big Girl Room

Things are changing at a break neck speed around here and I'm dragging my feet. I'm not ready for all of it. Yesterday at my mother in law's birthday party everyone was talking about crib jumping and I said Red Fish wasn't a jumper. They jinxed me. Sure enough we put Red Fish down for a nap and out she flew. So despite my great resistance it was time for the transfer to the "big girl room."
I worked on this room like crazy while I was pregnant and then I just stopped in September and haven't had time to finish it. Someday she will have furniture (someday when I'm not worried about her climbing it during the night.) It always makes me feel good to make things special for my girl's rooms. I painted the nursery with a mural of fish. This room involved a lot of sewing for me. I had a friend help me put up the bead board and build the window seat. Then we got the stripes painted on and little vinyl damasks. I'm pretty excited about the way it's coming together. I made really cute curtains but we've had some problems with the curtain rod so they aren't up yet.
Seeing This Face Makes All My Hard Work Worth It!
Red Fish has known this was going to be her room for awhile. When we got out the clean sheets and told her she was sleeping in here tonight she got so excited. She jumped on the bed for awhile and then got under the covers. So far we haven't heard a peep but we will see if she makes it through the night.

The window seat. I will take another picture after the curtains go up.

Tomorrow New Fish will officially move into the crib and nursery. Her first step away from me and I'm sad that my little girls are growing up so fast. I'm so happy to see them growing up healthy and strong. These changes mean good things are happening. That's got to be a big part of my new year. I need to embrace the little things that make me happy. Sharing mac n cheese with a smiley two year old. Seeing my baby giggle and bond with family. Big gummy smiles. Big hugs and kisses goodnight. They are at such a great stage right now. They are both changing so fast and there are so many sweet little moments that make my heart sing. It makes all the sleepless nights and overwhelming moments worth it. I guess that's what being a mom is all about. (Cheesy I know, but I need to remind myself sometimes.)


AshleeBashlee said...

I sure hope you have a good night tonight! You definitely need it.

Nancy said...

Super cute room! You did a great job and it looks like she loves it. I love bead board. Someday Ill do that to one of my rooms.

The Clem Family said...

It is all worth it! I was told, once, that motherhood can be hard, but it is so rewarding! You're an awesome mom and keep up the good work!!

Gregg Sorensen Family said...

I love the room! You always do amazing things! Good luck with the transition!

Mindi said...

Look how cute!!! I love the colors and the woodwork you did! Glad she slept well last night!

Richinsrock said...

I love her room! It is so cute and girly.

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