Friday, January 15, 2010

Purple and Chunky

When I showed Red Fish that red and blue paint make purple she was just furious I ruined her red and blue paint. She is in this phase where she likes to paint her hands with the brush and then put a 1000 finger prints on the page. It makes me crazy because I hate scrubbing it off her and she got finger prints on my favorite pajamas but I need to relax about it. A purple fingerprint on polka dot pajamas isn't the end of the world.
New Fish is going to be four months old tomorrow. I can't believe how fast it is going. The saddest part of having a little baby in the winter is that all of their cute parts stay covered up all day. She is starting to get these fabulous chunky legs and I wish I could leave them out all day. I love all of the creases in her rolls. Chunky baby legs are my favorite.


The Clem Family said...

I think it is hilarious that Red Fish gets upset when you mix her colors'd think she'd be totally into that! That baby IS getting cute!!

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