Red Fish moved into her big girl seat to make room for her Bubba in the high chair. We took New Fish to the doctor today and Red Fish was so sweet holding her during the shots. She kept saying "Oh Bubba!" and giving her kisses.

Little New Fish is four months old! She had her appointment today and she is 12.10 lbs. She's hit the 27th percentile. She has now officially more than doubled her birth weight. Her height is 23 inches which is the 26th percentile. She was so sad when she got her shots today. I really hate that. At least she doesn't get really sick like Red Fish did. The one real bummer is she still has RSV. She's had it for a few weeks and we thought it was clearing up but the yucky air lately has made her worse. We are just really lucky she doesn't have a really terrible case of it. She's such a happy little sweetheart. She is really into grabbing things with her hands and playing with her toys right now. She watches everything Red Fish does and will be following her around in no time.

We fed her some rice cereal for the first time today. She just kept smiling at us and spitting it back out. I don't think she swallowed hardly any of it. Then she got frustrated with the highchair. We'll try again tomorrow.

This picture is really blurry but it's funny. Red Fish was very jealous of New Fish being fed so she insisted on being fed a bowl of rice cereal. Then Blue Fish ran into the picture and was trying to get a bite too. All my babies want me to feed them!
So cute!! I love the pics!!
I can't believe she is so big! I love that they all want to eat the cereal!
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