I'm pretty sure I could sleep 24 hours a day until this baby is born. I had a nap before noon today (and I didn't even get out of bed until 9 am.) Two Fish put Red Fish in bed with me this morning with some Little Einsteins. She was happy to snuggle me until I got up. She rolled over like she was going to give my belly a kiss (she likes to kiss the baby) and to my surprise she blew a big raspberry on me. We both laughed pretty hard and then she chased me around trying to do it again. When Red Fish went down for her nap I fell asleep trying to work on my computer. I can never fall asleep sitting up so that was pretty strange.
Then my Mom came over and worked on the cushions for Red Fish's new room with me for a while. This is turning into a much harder and bigger project than I thought. I was going to learn how to put zippers in them but I've put so much work into them I hate to mess them up. I think my Mom is just going to do that part for me.

Our art supplies arrived today. It took all of five minutes after I opened them for Red Fish to have the art smock on and start trying to drag her little table outside. She knew exactly what to do with them. We started out with the stamps. I let her choose a few colors of stamp pads and then spread out the stamps. I think she was a little overwhelmed by the number of stamps so I think next time I will just get out a few at a time. I didn't have to explain anything to her. She just started stamping away (and poking her fingers into the pads.) They were easy to cleanup and easy to set up. I think we are going to be using these a lot.

Then we cleaned our hands with the hose and Red Fish wanted to play in the water. So we dragged out the pool. She gave the dog a bath while I sat in a lawn chair. (I'm all about the child labor.)

Then Red Fish decided it was time for another art project. I'm totally in love with these
sponge painters. They come pre-inked and you just dip them in water. They supposedly work up to 28 times. The color quality is awesome. I'm sure as you use them the quality goes down but they are still really cool. Plus when we were done I just stuck them in a ziplock and there was no cleanup. Horray!
Then it was nap time again.
You are entitled to nap as much as possible! Not only entitled but you probably really need it--I wish we could come play with Red Fish so you could nap some more!!!
Those are some cool sponge rollers! I need to get into more art projects at our house, but unless there are balls involved, my sons not too interested. Get as much rest now as you can and dont feel guilty about it!!! Your body is working hard!
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