Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Recent Art Shows

It is no secret that I'm a big supporter of the arts. I love music, theater, visual art etc. Lately, I've gone to 2-3 art shows every month. Some of them have been great, some not so great. I don't exactly make it to the MET frequently but I try and support local artists and shows. Here are a few of my favorites from the last few months.

The Perfect Fit: Shoes Tell the Stories- an exhibit of objects made from shoes or made to look like shoes. My favorite was a bracelet made of barbie shoes. Really fun to walk through.
Rebecca Jacoby: The Visitors- Lot's of fun color and bold lines.

Painter Grant Fuhst; sculpture by Adrian Praze: It was a dark and creepy, much like a lot of my own artwork. I loved the puppets. It made me want to do more fine art. If only there were more hours in the day.

Carl Bloch: The Master's Hand

The exhibition featured five large altarpieces. Four of these have come from Lutheran churches in Denmark and Sweden. I recognize a lot of Carl Bloch's work but seeing them full size is a spiritual experience. As a member of the LDS Church, I have been exposed to a lot of Bloch's work. Reproductions of his work have been very popular in our church.
Bloch's spiritual sensitivity and the level of detail that went into these paintings is amazing. They have a true pressence that create a sense of being in a spiritual space, like visiting an old church. I love that the paintings seem to show the compassion and humanity of Christ. The exhibit made me reflect on my own relationship with Christ. I love the power of artwork to reach across the boundaries between various people and speak to them.

My Mother in law also got me a book on Carl Bloch for Christmas that I recently read.
The Masters Hand: the Art of Carl Heinrich Bloch. It has some beautiful prints and great information in it.


Blogful said...

OH that I lived in Utah and could go see Bloch. So glad you got to enjoy him and send a little love via blog land.

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