Friday, April 29, 2011

Funny Faces

As most of you know, my girls are obsessed with collages and they especially love decorating foam cutouts like our valentines, shamrocks and Easter eggs.)  I had bought a pack of flowers for this month but when I got home from the store I realized that a sneaky little girl had slipped a pack of heads into our basket and I bought them without noticing.  So... I cut out a bunch of body parts from magazines and they started their face collages today with my sister in law.  We have a whole pack of heads and a big bag of body parts cut out so I see a lot of these in our near future.  I think they are pretty hilarious.


The Clem Family said...

Lol! Looks like lots of fun!

pink and green mama MaryLea said...

Awesome!! We love to make these when we talk about Picasso, they always crack us up!! Love the idea of the paper heads and the additional legs are fantastic. We just glue our eyes/mouths/noses/etc. on the magazine model's faces.

-MaryLea (pink and green mama)

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