Tuesday, April 3, 2012


I've been working on getting together preschool tools for next year to use with New Fish.  I'm hoping to get together a lot of Montessori inspired things- very sensory based.  I went through my fabric stash and cut swatches.  Some of them will hopefully be able to be matched by touch but not all of them have a match right now.  The girls went wild over them already.  They loved feeling the different textures and weights of the material.  They love these sensory things.  Next I'm going to make matching noise shakers.  Has anyone else out there made Montessori tools or bought them?  Any advice?


Michelle Jones said...

I never did any Montessori noise makers, but I have been a primary chorister for a long time and that's got to count for something!
I made lots of different noise makers, but the kids favorite was just two blocks of wood with little handles glued on one side and sandpaper glued down on the other side. The kids would rub the sandpaper sides together in rhythm.

Somers said...

we could make those woodblocks, easy.

Blogful said...

I love Montessori. I would highly highly recommend this book: http://www.amazon.com/Teaching-Montessori-Home-Pre-School-Years/dp/0452279097/ref=sr_1_3?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1333578705&sr=1-3
The last third (or more?) of the book is how to make materials out of household objects or stuff you might already have. It goes through methods and everything. LOVED it! This book was also good, though not as good. http://www.amazon.com/How-Raise-Amazing-Child-Montessori/dp/075662505X/ref=sr_1_4?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1333578705&sr=1-4

One Fish said...

Thanks Cari! I actually bought that book after you recommended it on your blog. I love it. It is the main inspiration for my preschool stuff I'm going to use next year.

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