Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Stuff we've made lately

Now that we are more into cub scouts and having weekly acitivities, the girls think they are cub scouts as well. We had a night on eco conservation and ocean conservancy (don't worry I used smaller words) and we made posters on fish anatomy and how we can help protect endangered species. We did a collage of our own new species of fish. Red Fish used the scissors to make her own fish. It was pretty cute.

Red Fish is obsessed with the footprint ghosts. She must have made at least 50 of them lately. They are all over our house. Everyone must have their foot printed to make a ghost.

Now I remember why we didn't own any glitter. I don't think I was meant to work with it. Red Fish had a blast helping me make these pumpkins.
New Fish has discovered contact paper collages and she is a fan.
Red Fish is getting really good with the scissors. She loves cutting piece of yarn and small papers over and over.
Felt monster puppets have also been a hit around here.


Somers said...

I love that picture of the foot-printing at work. Very funny! Their costumes are adorable.

Monett Rupp said...

Aww..cute pic of B. Love it! And thanks for all the hard work you guys do--you're great at it, and contrary to what you think..you relate perfectly to 9 year olds. B loves coming to scouts!

The Clem Family said...

I absolutely love the footprint ghosts! So cute!

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