Sunday, October 10, 2010

Random Projects

A couple of fall crafts from the girls. Ghost footprints and a collage of leaves cut from construction paper. They did some of these at Red Fish's preschool and she wanted to do more at home.
In my never ending effort to keep the girls stimulated enough, I've been making file folder games. I'm planning on getting them ready for Red Fish's birthday next month. I've finished 50 of them. It has been a much more involved process than I originally planned on. I've cut, laminated and stuck velcro on until I'm no longer sure they were worth it. I'm sure she will love them. They should last her through kindergarten because I've covered a pretty broad spectrum of topics. Hopefully they will make our speech practice a little more interesting and provide us with some fun games to play. They better stand up to a lot of playtime after all this work!


Blogful said...

We love file folder games for church, but where do you find yours? These look especially good. The ones I've pulled off various websites are pretty hit and miss.

Somers said...

Where did you find your folder games? I used to make these for my third graders, they are a great way to have a lot of different activities without a lot of storage room. Way to go. I also may have to steal the ghostie footprint idea. (gotta get those feet painted you know)

One Fish said...

Some of them I printed from various blogs and websites but the vast majority I did out of a couple of books.

It was a little more expensive than printing them all at home but I got them on sale so it wasn't bad. I got the preK and the Kindergarten books.

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