In the last week she has been found in the following places: the top of the piano, the kitchen table, the back of the couch, the kitchen counters, every chair in the house, her highchair, the edge of the stairs that sticks out past the railing, the bed, the drawers of the dishwasher, her chest of drawers. She used her stroller as a rolling ladder to switch on and off lights. I can hardly keep up with her. She is so fast! I swear I look away for half a second and she is somehow three feet in the air. I've taken every chair or climbable piece of furniture and put it in a closed room. She can lift her foot up level with her head, put it on something and pull up. It's crazy. I might have to resort to using a leash (only kidding.) I've tried having discussions with her about how she is going to get hurt or that mommy really doesn't want her to climb things. Sigh... I guess supervision is the only way to deal with this for now but I'm very worried.
Lucky for her Red Fish is also very cute. She has been blowing kisses like there is no tomorrow. Tonight she kept pinching my lips so they were stuck out and she could kiss them. She loves to do patty cake. She can do all of the actions. She kept having me sing itsy bitsy spider and popcorn popping on the apricot tree over and over tonight so she could memorize the actions. She is copying everything I do. If I'm brushing my teeth she has to brush hers at the same time etc. It's very sweet. She pats me on the back when she is upset because I always do that to comfort her. She has been very snuggly lately as well. She is always pointing at my belly and making the sign for baby even though I'm sure she doesn't totally get what that means. She is full of goofy faces and she dances on her toes and sings all day.
I forgot to tell you that she was being really funny that Saturday when Muffy was in town and We were watching her. You guys had the chairs over by the couch and she would climb up them and then fling herself over the couch laughing. I think she did it for about 15 mins. I was cracking up!
Didn't you know? Our family is full of monkeys!! I love all her cute stories!
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