Monday, May 11, 2009

Project Runway Here I Come =-)

These curtains are the first thing I have ever really sewn totally by myself. I know they are all straight lines and not that impressive. Trust me, for me this was a huge feat. I'm not a measure twice and cut once person- I'm a cut it and see what happens person. I sewed together a quilt top my freshman year of college and took it to my grandma's to have her help me finish it. She said it looked like a drunken sailor had made it. (It might have been because I decided things would go faster if I cut 8-10 squares at once and none of them ended up square.) I've also been known to sew a pair of curtains all down one leg of my pants when I was hemming them and watching tv at the same time. Knowing all this about me you should be very impressed by these curtains. My Mom gave me a sewing machine for my birthday last year and now that I am in a rush to redecorate the upstairs for the new baby and Asia's new room I plan to put it to use. This all part of my grand plan to someday be on my favorite show- Project Runway. I might make it somewhere around age 80.


Joanna said...

I AM SOOO PROUD! That's awesome! Hopefully your sewing skills will catch up to your design skills.. quick! Because I'm sure you're mind is racing with ideas on how to fill two empty rooms!

Linnea said...

Good for you!! Pretty soon you will have to teach me what you know!

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