Thursday, September 16, 2010


How did we get from here to this sweet little girl below so fast?
My little Sweetie Pie, Bubba, New Fish, Bubbalicious, Bubs, Bubbie, Sweet Pea, Baby Doll, Bug, Mini, Sassy Pants, Baby Pie, Hollerbaby, Bossy Britches, Sugar Baby.

She is one year old today!! She has very suddenly turned into this funny little person and shed many of her baby ways. She bangs on the fridge and points out what she wants to eat. She runs around the house like walking is no big deal. When I read her books she takes my finger and points it at the pictures she wants me to talk about. She has 2 teeth on the bottom and is working hard on two on top. She is starting to use a few signs and she can say: "No, Yea, Mama, Dada, and Dog." And she likes to shake her finger when she says no. (I must do that a lot because both girls have been copying me.) New Fish enjoys giving her sister a hard time and getting a rise out of her. She has also turned into a major girly girl. First thing after I get her ready in the morning, she marches into the toy room to get herself a necklace and a purse. It's pretty funny. She has taken to hugging me around the legs or squeezing my neck and I love it. I'm excited to see how much she changes in the next year, which I'm sure will fly by at break neck speed.


Randy said...

Happy Birthday to your adorable "New Fish"! Yes, time flies by, says one whose children are now grown and gone.

The Clem Family said...

A year already!!! Happy Birthday New Fish! You're a cutie!

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