On Sunday my Mom, Redfish, and I flew to Northern Florida to visit my great uncle L for four days. I was apprehensive about taking Red Fish on another flight after our less than fun flight to California last month but I was pleasantly surprised. She did really well. I've decided the key is to have a large variety of snacks in her bag- cheerios, sweet potato puffs, dried fruit, smiley snacks etc. I also made sure I took her two favorite (and very bulky) books on the plane with me. We did have alot of delays and sat on the runway for an extra hour and a half total waiting for our planes to take off. It makes for a long day.

Red Fish took a liking to my Uncle L and kept trying to steal his cane the whole time we were there. Uncle L collects antiques so you can imagine my stress level spending hours on end in a room full of breakable items with a toddler who was feeling especially curious and frisky. By the end of the day Red Fish would become a complete maniac and just run around the room screaming and waving her arms. I think she enjoyed having all of the adult attention focused on her for a few days.

Seriously, that wall paper is ROCKIN'!!! And it looks like baby A loved every minute of it! (wish you were here now! ;) )
Okay, I know she is adopted and all, but in that red wall picture she looks EXACTLY like your Dad.
Also, where do you get her clothes? Adorable. Now wearing bows I see too. So cute.
Alot of people tell me that she looks just like my Dad and I think she looks alot like my brother J. She was just meant for our family! I get most of her clothes from the outlets in Park City (they have awesome clearance) and the pink outfit is from Hong Kong.
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