For cubscouts last week, we were working on our science belt loop. I decided to focus on explosions.
To help the girls be included, I had them make a volcano out of clay earlier in the day. We used air dry clay around a plastic cup. Red Fish is fascinated by lava right now so she was really excited about the project. They thoroughly enjoyed painting on the red lava.
We had a scientist (one of the boy's dad is a doctor) come and take them through some explanations of the scientific method I posted on our back fence. Then he drew some of my blood and showed the boys how blood clots.
After we had talked through doing an experiment we errupted the girl's volcano. We discussed what we thought would happen if we combined the vinegar and baking soda in an enclosed space instead of letting it fizz out of the volcano.
We put baking soda in tissues and vinegar in ziploc bags and then dropped the tissue in an zipped it up.
The boys were very excited about their "bombs."
The highlight of the night was trying out the diet Coke and Mentos experiments. The video is very short but if you pay attention you can catch me being shot in the face by our first attempt.