Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Potty Train

Lately I've felt a little bogged down and haven't got much blogging done- so here is a rambling download of my brain.
New Fish snuck into Red Fish's room during her nap to say hello. It used to be the other way around!
The girls have been major Daddy's girls lately. Even more so than usual. I'm starting to get a little jealous.

Babysitting Buddy and co. tonight. It's matching pajama night.
We went to the aquarium with G & S on Monday.
No matter how many times we go (almost every week) the girls always love it. There has been a serious fish fascination happening around here. There has been a lot of fish stickers and paintings and requests for fish books. These girls got their love of aquatic life from their mama!
Painting by Red Fish
Yesterday was a proud moment for me. Red Fish started painting and said: "Hmmm I want purple so I need some red and some blue." YES! She is starting to understand color mixing.

At the end of September, I took Red Fish to buy some underwear. We looked at the girl's underpants covered with princesses etc. and Red Fish started yelling: "Ewwwww noooooo yucky." Then she walked herself over to the boys aisle and got herself some incredibles, buzz lightyear and dinosaurs. We tried potty training on and off for a couple months but she wasn't very interested. At the end of November we got serious about it and things went pretty smoothly. I"m sure they would have gone better if we were a little more consistent but I felt like she needed to wear a diaper to school and church etc. until she had things down and has been doing great for the past couple weeks. Horray! A major milestone for both of us.

Red Fish's newest thing saying is "Please go away, please go away." said with her hands over her eyes. I hear it every time I say no or suggest something she doesn't like. Apparently she thinks she can make me disappear. She talks almost nonstop at me now. It's fun to hear all of the little thoughts she has running around in her head.

New Fish has five new teeth in the last week bring her up to a grand total of nine. She has the four front top teeth, two on the bottom and three of her molars are poking through. It has been a ROUGH couple of weeks for her. Teething seems to take forever for her and the darn things pop up and down over and over. She says the words Hi, dog, dad, mama and no really clearly and she has the inflection of a lot of other words. We went swimming today and all signs point to New Fish being a water maniac like her sister. She would squat on the edge of the pool and bounce and think she was jumping in. It was hilarious.

New Fish has also started giving the sweetest little kisses in the world. It's one of those big paychecks as a mom.


Somers said...

Yay for potty training! And matching pj's. Will you e-mail that picture to me? Thanks for watching them!

The Clem Family said...

I was wondering when I was going to see another post from you! Thanks for coming with us the aquarium. My kids have been wanting to go back. Congrats on the potty training!

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