Wednesday, November 21, 2012


Tomorrow is Thanksgiving.  As always, I have spent the majority of my time with my family this week and the little things have stood out to me.  I am so thankful for these three.  How is it even possible that I love them more everyday?  Tomorrow will be the 10 year anniversary of my first date with Two Fish.  November 22nd, 2002- a date that changed my life.  We were so in love and yet the love we have now makes it seem like a highschool crush back then. 

We also brought Red Fish home on November 22nd, 2007.  Two Fish had come home to go back to work and some good friends came and picked me up and brought us home.  Now our little family of four is my whole life.  They are my heart.  I am so thankful for dance parties in the kitchen, wacky moments when we parade around the house with instruments and sing at the top of our lungs, dinners together, pancake making sessions, snuggles and holding tiny hands.  This mother/wife thing I've got going here is pretty much as good as it gets.  Even on the days that feel hard, I count myself as extremely blessed.

Also- PS I have changed the comment settings to try and make it easier.  I miss my commenters.


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