Tuesday, September 18, 2012

L Is For Leaf And Lamb

Music Time
 Today we talked about the letter L is preschool.  We started off with our calendar and talked about how Fall is beginning and the leaves are starting to fall off of trees etc.  Our nursery rhyme today was Mary Had A Little Lamb so we sang it several times while we danced around with two stuffed lambs.  We made leaf crowns (they would have been cooler with colored leaves but I didn't have time to get any ahead of time and my yard is still green.) We did leaf songs and movement activities from Seasons of Joy- Autumn.  We danced with leaf cut outs and pretended to be trees and falling leaves.  We danced with tissue paper to sound like the wind.
 Next we learned about our sense of touch.  We compared rough vs. smooth on boards with increasingly rough sandpaper.  We matched up swatches of material by touch and tried to think of as many descriptive words as they could to describe them.  They did a little game/puzzle made of different materials that can be matched by touch.
Cutest little best buddies ever.  I love that they hold hands.
 We went on a "leaf hunt" walk and touched the grass, rocks etc. on our way to compare how they felt.  We did actually have to hunt for colored leaves since the leaves in our neighborhood are just beginning to turn.  Then we made collages out of the leaves onto the letter L.
Down, down, yellow and brown.  Leaves are falling all over town.
 Next we watercolored leaf cutouts with liquid watercolors in fall colors.  We used eye droppers again to work on their small motor skills.

When Red Fish came home from school she painted a bunch of leaves as well.  I'm excited to string them up around the house.  They turned out really beautiful.


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