This week has been so insane that I haven't even unpacked the giant boxes of art supplies that were delivered while we were on vacation. We've sneaked a few things out of them but they have remained relatively untouched. It's tragic.
When I would think about growing up, I would imagine my life as Mom and also as a career woman. I would imagine them separately. I never could figure out how they would work together. Most days, I still struggle to see how it's all working together. I work from home but I'm a full time, very hands on Mom 24 hours a day. Before I became a Mom, I just really had no idea of it's all consuming nature. It really is impossible to understand until you become a Mother.
This week was a crazy week of a lot of work. My brain has been filled with a million pressing projects until it might just explode. My mind is bouncing from one thing to the next as I've struggled to keep up with it all (except the house work- I gave up on that.) I made sure to do one really fun thing with my kids every day like swimming or a picnic at the park or something that would wear them out and allow me to focus on them. There have been projects and story time etc. They haven't been neglected or wanted for attention but I'm feeling a bit crazy. Hopefully I can catch up on everything without loosing my mind.
1/2 Colored Masking Tape - Set of 10
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