Thursday, December 1, 2011

Homemade Ornaments

We made homemade ornaments this week.  The girls wanted their own tree 
(that they are allowed to touch) to decorate all by themselves.
 We used sculpey this time because we've had terrible luck with salt dough ornaments in the past.  I cannot figure out the right temperature and time to cook them so they won't explode.  The girls got really into rolling out the sculpey and using their little cookie cutters.  Painting the cooked ornaments was serious business.  They put a lot of care and thought into them.  It was really sweet.

After the paint dried we put little ribbons on them and the girls were thrilled to hang them up.  They are hung mostly on two branches of the tree.  I think it was rebellion against me because I made them keep the ornaments on the big tree spread out.  They can't wait to move the ornaments around again tomorrow.
My babies and their Christmas tree


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