Tuesday, December 28, 2010

S is for Sea, Silhouette & Sick

Red Fish went to the aquarium with my Mom today so she could get out of the house and have some fun. The aquarium is one of her favorite places. When she got back we worked on some speech activities involving the letter S and F. We talked about all sorts of things that start with an S especially things involving the "sea." So then Red Fish and New Fish made a big ocean picture so we could talk about fish, seashells, etc. It's the only activity I have been able to involve New Fish in for several days. New Fish really really loves foam stickers. I let Red Fish add the watercolors after New Fish was in bed.
I got a Silhouette SD for Christmas. I've been playing with it after the kids are in bed. So far I've done vinyl labels for all of the toy bins and made a new years decorations. It is a very fun little machine.
This little baby had a very bad reaction to the antibiotics she was on and is still sick. She has been a very sad baby. I have pretty much spent the majority of my time sitting on the couch holding and snuggling my little sweetie. When my baby is sick- the whole world comes to a screeching halt.


The Clem Family said...

I'm so sorry that New Fish is sick. I hope she feels better soon.

Nancy said...

I hope happy healthy days are on their way soon! Ive had the Silhouette SD on my wish list for a long time. It looks like a fun machine. I cant wait to see what else you create. Love the new year decoration.

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