When I was 18 I made a list of 30 things I wanted to do before age 30. I just dug up the list to see how I'm doing.
1. Play my violin in something cool- DONE I've played in several very cool big venues and on a few films.
2. Learn to play the drums better- I've forgotten everything I ever knew.
3. Spend more time skiing- DONE but I can ALWAYS ski more
4. Buy a piano- DONE
5. Have my own art show- I still really really want to do this. Doing it in the next year is probably unrealistic
6. Become a scuba instructor- DONE
7. Run a marathon- No longer interested.
8. Get married- DONE
9. Have children through birth and/or adoption - Have done both
10. Learn a Foreign language- Never gonna happen
11. Write a book- I just helped a family member write their life history and completely lay it out with pictures etc. so I'm saying DONE but I'd like to write a book entirely on my own.
12. Make a film- I made several crazy ones in college and that's the closest I'm going to get.
13. Write music- I own part of a music library does that count? Sort of. Not really but I'm counting it anyway.
14. Learn to sew- I can sew straight lines.
15. Learn more about sound studios. DONE but there is so so so much more to learn.
16. Learn to cook- epic fail.
17. Go rock climbing- I've been but not for a long time and I'd really like to make time for more in the future.
18. Go hangliding or sky diving- Who wants to help me fulfill this one in the next year?
19. Travel to Spain, Italy, France, Australia and Africa- I haven't been any of those places
20. Backpack through Europe- my one big regret is that I didn't just do this when I was young and not tied down with responsibility.
21. Go to the theatre and see several cool things- DONE
22. Learn to tap dance- DONE - well as good as it is gonna get
23. Live in a big city- DONE
24. Learn to play tennis- haven't done a thing.
25. Learn to draw better- I haven't drawn nearly enough
26. Become a professional artist- DONE
27. Open a graphic design agency- It's here. It's small but I've done some cool things.
28. Make a lot of time for art making- I make something almost every single day. I'd like to do more art for myself rather than clients though.
29. Learn more about computers- sort of.
30. Own a home- DONE
I've accomplished 19 of the goals. Several I don't care about anymore. I could probably accomplish a few over the next year. Some are just never gonna happen.
Gardening 2020
2 years ago