Red Fish has been known to get herself a bowl of cereal (with milk) make herself a sandwich or a bowl of cottage cheese. She has toasted her own waffle and I've caught her putting a burrito in the microwave. She wants to do EVERYTHING herself whether I want her to or not. Sometimes she pours water on the floor just so she can use the towel to wipe it up. If I close her door at naptime, she gets out of bed to reopen the door and close it herself. She dressed herself in the morning and if I help her with any of it she has to remove the offending item of clothing and start again. She is the self appointed boss of New Fish and instructs her on a minute by minute basis. I can't count how many times I hear "no baby no" during the day. (Although I like that a lot better than I like "no mom no.") Good thing she also likes to make New Fish laugh endlessly and makes sure she has plenty of kisses. It makes New Fish very forgiving and she doesn't seem to mind being bossed around. Red Fish also enjoys trying to boss Blue Fish (the dog) around although he doesn't seem to notice for the most part. We just can't help but love our bossy baby.
My oldest was independent like that...I kind of like it!
Kristin is my independent one. At times, it's nice, but other times it can be annoying. It's all good, though.
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