Monday, November 23, 2009

Make It Work

I've found that there are a lot of "make it work" (thank you Tim Gunn) moments in motherhood. I've done a lot of things I never thought I would do. Here are a few examples:

1. Yesterday in church I REALLY needed to blow my nose but I accidentally left the tissues and whipes on my kitchen table because I was in a rush to get to church. I didn't have a burp rag or anything in my bag because I was with Red Fish by myself. Red Fish was in the middle of coloring a masterpiece and I knew that if I grabbed her to run to the bathroom for tissue she was going to scream bloody murder and the peaceful sacrament meeting we were enjoying would be destroyed. There is no way she would have settled back down when we returned from the bathroom. So I searched my purse for ANYTHING to blow my nose on. I found a sock. (My sock.) Why was a sock in my purse you ask? No idea, but it appeared to be clean so I carefully folded it in my bag (trying to disguise it) before using it. Yes, I blew my nose on a strange sock during church.

2. Today I spread peanut butter on slices of cheese because that's what Red Fish wanted for a snack. Gross.

3. I wore my pajamas all day today and even when my brother and his wife came over to get something I didn't care. There just wasn't a spare second for showering and now that I have a few seconds without a phone call, email, or scream to tend to it no longer seems important. It's already past 5 so why bother?

I could go on but I think you get the idea. This motherhood business is making me strange. Or perhaps it is just making me stranger. I'm pretty sure these aren't even the weirdest things I've done in the past couple days. They just happen to be the only ones I can think of at the moment. The strange things don't even stand out in my mind anymore.


The Studes said...

stranger is the word... lol

and 2 fish would be horrified if he knew your were in jammies all day!

The Clem Family said...

No, you're not strange....your normal! I think all us moms do things that we never thought we'd ever do and strange becomes very ordinary to us! I'm just glad that I'm not the only one. ;)

Lei said...

Yep, you are fully initiated now!!!

Somers said...

I like the confessions. I agree, the definition of strange changes when you have small children. I went incognito (with a hat, sunglasses, and huge scarf) to the grocery store today because I had no time to get MYSELF ready this morning. Thank heaven for hats.

Lily said...

love this, as it sums up the way life is with 2 quite well. yup, things get stranger every day. keep on keepin' on!

Richinsrock said...

Oh motherhood is wonderful. Atleast you are not alone. I have a million things that I swore I would never do as a parent.

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