Tuesday, November 18, 2008

A Good Day

Today was a good day that started out badly. Red Fish slept in until 6 am this morning. This is an improvement over waking at 5 am for four days before today. CURSE that daylight savings! The morning went semi-smoothly as we got ready for Red Fish's one year doctor's appointment. That in itself isn't bad because she is very healthy. (22lbs. and 29 inches in case you were wondering.) The bad part was that she remembers getting her flu shot last month. So the second we went into the Dr's office she started to wail. She had me in a vice grip when they tried to weigh her. She sobbed through having her check up and then shrieked through the vaccinations. Not that I blame her, having a needle poke in both arms, both legs, and a prick on the toe just isn't very nice. I had a flu shot last week that reminded me of how unpleasant it is. Then she whimpered all the way home until she fell asleep. She took a nice nap after we got home and the day totally turned around. I worked like crazy while she was asleep to try and complete a couple big work projects. Then when she woke up we had some lunch and went to meet one of my oldest friends (oldest as in I have known her a long time - she is quite young) whom I will refer to as Sas. She has an eighteen month old daughter (Little E), with whom Red Fish likes to play with. We went and got balloons which the girls just loved. Then we went to the park and so much fun. We played on the slide. Red Fish examined the wood chips. Then we got on the swings for a good long time and had a snuggle. Red Fish was in the best mood. Then when she was tired we got in the car and she snoozed while I drove to pick up an order of my new CDs. We came home had dinner, played for a bit and she went to bed while I did some laundry and Two Fish went grocery shopping. (Isn't he the best? I HATE grocery shopping.) It was such a nice day. Sas and I have decided on a tuesday afternoon playdate. I'm really looking forward to them. Red Fish and I try to do alot of fun things together but it was nice to be out of the house and just do something simple and fun. Smooches on the slide
Little E in th background on the playground. It's fun to be able to take Red Fish places like this and actually have her play because she can walk now.
She had alot more fun than she appears to be having. She giggled for the first 10 minutes we were on the swing and then she just snuggled me and eventually fell asleep.
Sas and Little E.


Joanna said...

Can we come too?!?! :) Looks like a blast! Tell Sas I said Hi!

Nancy said...

How precious. She is a sweet heart. I hate shot days! They are the worst. Having shots everyday myself really makes me sympathetic for the little kids! The bike helmet picture is hilarious!

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