Wednesday, May 22, 2013

w is for western

 For Western week the kids decorated paperbag cowboy vests.  Buddy B was pretty convinced his would go better with his sponge bob underpants but I convinced him that cowboys wear their shorts.  (Teaching preschool to these two has been hysterical.)  I borrowed stick horses and drew chalk numbers on the sidewalk.  They had to gallop their horses to the right number 1-20.  Buddy B fell once and his gum fell out of his mouth.  New Fish started screaming: "His skin!  It just fell off!  The horror!"  Hilarious.

 I also drew chalk letters on the driveway and we played several alphabet games.  The kids are starting to remember alphabetic order pretty well.
 We made cowboy stick puppets and the kids put on a puppet show.

 We matched cowboys with lowercase letters on them to their hats with upper case letters on them.
 We made a big batch of moon sand (flour and baby oil) and the kids had a blast playing in it.  They buried their feet over and over.

 The kids used scissors to cut up little pieces of pipe cleaners as a fine motor skill. It was difficult.  Then we filled waterbottles with the bits and moved them around with a magnet.  We did several cutting exercises as well as mazes and prewriting worksheets.  Then the kids played with horses and pretended to be in the wild wild west.  They also played sheriffs and outlaws.  Blue Fish, our dog played the part of outlaw.


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