Wednesday, May 1, 2013

In Love

Sometimes I just need to write down how over the moon in love with my family I am.  Brace for the saccharine sweetness of it all if you must.  Every night I sleep next to the love of my life.  I adore him.  He helps keep our little world spinning in so many ways.  I wake up to the cute face of one of my girls every morning.  They come in and say things like "Good morning Mommy.  I love you to the moon and back."  I get hugs and kisses all day long (interspersed by whining and pouting- let's be real here.)  Seriously lately there have been moments lately when I am just so overwhelmed by how much I love them that I can hardly breathe.  I grab them and kiss them and move on to the next thing but sometimes I wish I could freeze time.  Three and five are the best ages yet.  They are so innocent and hilarious and brilliant.  They still depend on me for so much and I love that.  They are growing and changing at lighting speed and I just don't want to forget how much I adore my family, right now in this moment.  I'm working on being better for them.  I want to be more present for them.  I want to be less stressed and make more time for happy.


nortorious said...

lovely. <3 parenting: you're doing it right.

Amanda said...

Beautiful. xo

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