Sunday, April 14, 2013

Little Princess

 One of the young women in my ward made these amazing dresses for my girls. Red Fish and New Fish were beyond thrilled.

Today in church, Red Fish said the 5th article of faith in primary.
"We believe that a man must be acalled of God, by bprophecy, and by the laying on of chands by those who are in dauthority, to epreach the Gospel and administer in the fordinances thereof."

It has a lot of  big words with a lot of syllables.  It took some practice for Red Fish to pronounce them all clearly and she did an awesome job.  It made me happy to hear her do it in front of a crowd.  She had her mouth against the microphone so not everyone could hear her but I was standing next to her and could hear her articulation.  She has definitely gotten a lot of confidence over the past year in her speech.  She introduces herself to kids on the playground.  She will talk in primary now.  She speaks to adults and expects them to understand her.  It's exciting.  She is doing so well! She has worked so hard.

While we were in primary waiting for her turn to speak, the leaders did a child spotlight where they give clues and everyone has to guess who they are talking about.  It turned out to be Red Fish and it was hilarious to hear how she had filled out the questionaire.

Favorite food- spaghetti with white sauce
Favorite color- rainbow
Favorite place to visit- Rainbowland (no that isn't a real place.)
Favorite thing to do- ride my unicorn
Favorite scripture- all of the scriptures about Jesus
Nickname- "Sweetie" and "Honey"
Something my parents like about me- Everything because they like everything about me (it's true.)
Special talent- playing the piano.


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