Wednesday, March 6, 2013

G Is For Go Fish And Goldfish

 We spent the day talking about the letter G and ocean life.  Our nursery rhyme was 10 Little Goldfish.  We read the book Usbourne Under The Sea and looked at a lot of pictures of sealife.  The kids already recognized a lot of the creatures and fish by name.  They both love to be read to.
 We read our G books next and practiced identifying the letter in a text.  Then we made our letter G into a goldfish.  When the kids make projects like this that are so directed, I don't really consider them an art project but more of a fine motor skills or craft project. (I am an art project snob.) They love decorating letters though.
 We played several rounds of Go Fish, a favorite game at our house.  Playing games with the kids really shows me how much they have grown up since September. They take turns, follow rules and listen to directions and are so easy to teach.
 They counted (and ate) goldfish crackers onto paper fishbowls.
 They did our fish puzzles.
 We played a magnetic fishing game to practiced good manners and some large motor skills.  Each fish was labeled with a challenge.
 We did a printing project that was supposed to have water made from bubble wrap prints and then fish made from shape stamps.  The brayers were more fun than the bubble wrap though so they rolled over their bubble prints.  They had a blast and were going crazy rolling the paint.
We ran out of time for singing time, which bummed the kids out but we played in our sensory bin with the wheat and fish toys.  It was a good day of preschool.


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