New Fish/Buddy B |
We did birds, the letter "B" and the nursery rhyme Bluebird, Bluebird. It was a really fun school day. We started with several bird books including Usbourne Beginners Eggs and Chicks and Eyelike Numbers- Counting In The Natural World. We used feathers, pipe cleaners and googly eyes to turn letter B into a bird. We played some little matching, sorting, patterning and reviewed more vs. less and directional words. These two kids are crazy for file folder games.
We sang songs for a LONG time. Hokey Pokey is especially popular and helps us practice left vs. right. We also did Twinkle Twinkle, Jesus Wants Me For A Sunbeam, The Wheels On The Bus, Popcorn Popping On The Apricot Tree, Old MacDonald, Five Silly Monkeys, Itsy Bitsy Spider, Once There Was A Snowman, and Three Little Ducks.
We used pretzels to build a nest for marshmellow peeps and jelly eggs- super healthy.
We sculpted birds nests out of air dry putty.
New Fish's bird and nest full of eggs |

We made bird feeders with birdseed and peanut butter. We
switched to an Easter themed sensory bin like last year. The Easter
eggs are very popular with the kids. Red Fish and New Fish have spent
hours playing in the rice. I'm trying to decide whether to redye it. I
added white rice and I miss the bright colors.
I couldn't seem to keep the kids busy enough and they asked to go outside and paint since the weather is so warm. I like to try and go with what interests them and it's hard for me to say no to an art project.
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