Sunday, July 31, 2011

Mother's Worst Nightmare

After church today I put the girls down for a nap (at about 4:30pm.)  Two Fish was reading a scuba manual upstairs and I was working on a family home evening project downstairs and making dinner.  It was a very relaxed afternoon.  About 6:20pm I went upstairs to wake the girls up and Red Fish wasn't in her room.  That isn't very unusual because it is right next to the toy room and she doesn't actually sleep everyday.  I checked the toy room and she wasn't in there.  I checked her room again and her closet and window seat.  I called to Two Fish and asked him where she was and we started looking all over the house and calling her.  We looked in closets, under furniture and we were yelling her name.

Then I went outside and asked the neighbors.  No Red Fish.  Now I was getting really scared.  I checked the backyard because the back door was unlocked and she wasn't out there.  It would have been hard for her to leave the house unnoticed because we have an alarm that beeps when a door opens but I don't always hear it.  I went down the street both directions calling to her. 

After we searched the garage and basement I was panicked.  I called the police and gave them her description.  They sent three patrol cars.  I called my parents and my brothers to get in their cars and start looking.  Maybe she was trying to walk to one of their houses?  My neighbor started calling Red Fish's friends.  Neighbor kids were knocking on doors and checking back yards.  Then my brother pulled into the driveway and saw Red Fish looking out the front window at him.  I'm pretty sure she was in the house the whole time.  She told us later she was behind a pillow wedged in the corner of the toy room asleep.  She would have had to be pretty tightly rolled up but it is definitely possible.

I have never been so scared in my whole life.  I couldn't find her for a good twenty minutes of yelling for her.  Plus I hadn't actually looked at her in two hours before that so I really thought she could be gone.  The things that ran through my head... terrifying.  Thank goodness she is safe and was never in any real danger!  I on the other hand am a total basket case tonight.  I feel ill just thinking about it.

Also good to know- if something goes down, my entire family gets here even faster than the police! ;)


Richinsrock said...

I am so glad you found her and she was safe!

Linnea said...

I'm so glad you found her and that she was safe!

The Clem Family said...

I went through that same thing with Gracie once. Turns out she was sleeping under her bed curled up in a ball with a bunch of blankets. Not fun. I'm glad things turned out to be okay for all of you.

Somers said...

That was really scary, I don't blame you for being a "basket case." I bet the police felt a little slow pulling up behind EVERY member of your family.

Lisa said...

Wow, that is really scary! I couldn't find Sariah one time. I was starting to get really freaked when she jumped out from behind a shrub in our front yard. She'd been hiding from me.

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