We've decided to rename Red Fish MacGuyver though because she can pick locks, remove child locks an get into things that she really should not be able to. It drives me a little crazy. Yesterday, she cooked her own waffle and got herself a piece of cake while I was in the shower.
Red Fish LOVES the dirt. Our camping trip was like a 4 day trip to heaven for Red Fish because she was able to roll around in the dirt the whole time. She likes to run around the backyard with Blue Fish every chance she gets and dig in the flower beds. I’m really excited to take her to the beach this summer because I think she is going to flip out when she sees all that sand and water. Her two favorite things in one place!
It has been really fun to watch Red Fish starting to really play with New Fish. New Fish is eight months old now so she is old enough to interact with Red Fish. I love watching them snuggle their baby dolls together or pass blocks back and forth. Red Fish can get New Fish laughing like nobody else. It has been so sweet to see how much Red Fish loves her little sister. Red Fish loves picking out clothes for both herself and her sister so they end up with some pretty crazy outfits sometimes.
We are all excited that the weather is getting better so we can spend a lot more time outside. We’ve started taking walks with the dog more and going to the playground. Red Fish is very interested in the temple right now and always asks to drive by it, so we’ve been walking around the grounds a lot.
We’ve been concentrating on having weekly family home evenings and I’ve been trying to laminate fun pictures etc. to go with the lessons so we can use them again. I’ve been shocked at how much Red Fish loves FHE. I think it might be her favorite night of the week. She likes to choose the song and decide who should say the prayer, and hold all of the pictures for the lesson. If we have any sort of game, she wants to play it every night for the next week. It’s really cute. She definitely inspires me to keep up with our lessons. Teaching Red Fish about the gospel has been really fun. She has such a sweet little spirit. She has started to be the one who reminds us when it’s time to pray.
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