Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The Opposite Of Fate by Amy Tan

I think to really appreciate this book you would have to be an Amy Tan fan and I have not read any of her fiction. A lot of the first half of the book felt a bit like reading someone's somewhat self-indulgent therapy notes. This book is basically a collection of essays that are thrown together in a scattered and redundant fashion. The last essay might explain this, as it reveals that Tan is suffering from Lyme Disease. This book definitely needed a better editor. That said, there were a few things I enjoyed about the book.

I did think the part at the beginning of the book about finding her book in the cliff notes section and the inherent duality of fame was funny. I also found some of the insight into her personal artistic process interesting as well as her disclosure that some of the perceived genius of her writing style is just luck.

Overall, this isn't a book I would recommend.


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