Trying to get more organized is a constant battle for me. Red Fish hasn't been sleeping very well and I think we need to start trying to persuade her to go to bed earlier so Two Fish and I have more time together and hopefully Red Fish will sleep better. We've had a pretty good nighttime routine for her in the past but we decided to really try and stick to it and start it earlier.
Here is the routine we have come up with-
1- Bottle
2- Say Goodnight to everyone
3- Change her diaper and clothes
4- Brush her two little teeth (trying to set good habbits early.)
5- Clean up her room and pick out clothes for the next day
6- Change the CD in her player if it's been a while.
7- Prayers
8- Read for awhile
9- Press Play on the CD and rock for a few minutes in the dark
10- Lay her down with her blankie.