We flew overnight on a red eye to Washington DC so we were exhausted. Scott's Mom Janet went with us. We met Scott's sister Lisa and her family in DC. It was a fabulous reunion because our girls love their cousins and Lisa's family moved to Pennsylvania last year. We have really missed them.
We spent our first afternoon in DC at the National Air & Space Museum. It was amazing although I think the Boeing one in Seattle that we visited a few years ago might be a little bit better.
This is on of Amelia Earhart's planes. The girls have been really into reading National Geographic Kids books and they were full of historical tidbits on the things we would be seeing in D.C. This plane was on their list. As you can see they were also very excited to see their cousin Sariah.
The girls at the Madsen memorial
We saw the Washington Monument from a distance.
We visited the Jefferson Memorial. It was so cool to see these things in person and to share them with Asia. She is a little sponge for knowledge and she learned so much on this trip.
We got this amazing hotel suite that was big enough for all 10 of us to stay in just outside of Washington DC. We did a lot of driving.
The morning of the 2nd day was by far the worst day of the trip.
I believe the temperature was close to 100 degrees, and the humidity was so high. The kids all hated the cemetery. It was so far to walk to see the things we wanted to see. They'd all gotten to bed late, and everyone was grumpy. They were mildly interested in seeing JFK's grave.
Tomb of the unknown soldier |
We headed indoors for the afternoon at the Museum of American History. Highlights for Asia included the collection of First Lady's dresses, Abraham Lincoln's top hat (Asia says he is coming back for that when he gets resurrected), the ruby slippers from the Wizard of Oz, the Nauvoo sunstone from the original Nauvoo temple and the Star Spangled Banner.
We visited the Washington Monument and then walked to the World War II Memorial and the Lincoln Memorial. The girls were most excited about Washington and Lincoln because they had read books about them and knew more about who they were.
We also stopped to see the Korean War Memorial