Sunday morning was the primary program. Red Fish sang "I Am A Child of God" with the other sunbeams in her class. She really needed a new Sunday dress and I couldn't resist getting New Fish one as well. New Fish (in case you didn't know) is totally OBSESSED with princesses right now. She talks about them from morning until night and I knew she would automatically think this was a princess dress. After church we headed to my grandparents house for a birthday party for New Fish aka Bub and my grandfather "Bockum." They share a birthday 85 years apart.
We played pin the tiara on the princess and had dinner together.
My family is so fun. I love the way they all completely dote on my girls. It is so nice to have so many great people around to love my girls and play with them, especially when I was totally worn out this week. They even humored me by wearing birthday crowns.
Princess Bub- as she calls herself these days- was completely spoiled and she loved every single minute of it. She was putting on quite a show for everyone dancing and singing.

Here is New Fish's incredible amount of gifts. Good thing I decided to try and rein myself in this year and buy less gifts because these girls get so much stuff from the rest of my family. She got a stuffed stingray, a new scarf and hat, 3 dress ups, a new church dress, puzzles, princess books, a princess magnetic doll, puzzles, a princess lunch box, two tiaras, a princess bath toy, a pony, Beauty and the Beast the movie, a princess bowl and plate, a piggy bank and some princess art supplies.
New Fish had a wonderful day! I plan to write a post later this week about how much she has grown up recently. She is such a cute wonderful little girl!