Sunday, July 29, 2012

Reality Hits

There is nothing quite like having reality slap you in the face when you return from a vacation.  Before we left I was obsessed with getting the house spottless before we left.  As a busy, working and stay at home Mom I feel like the feat of getting the house all clean at once is impossible.  Sometimes I feel like the universe is playing against my house staying clean.  I wanted it to be clean for a week even if it was only because we weren't here to mess it up.  Two Fish even asked me on our way home if I was relieved we were going home to a completely clean house.  The Universe had other plans.

When we walked in the door last night I could hear running water and knew something was very wrong. Apparently, the toilet tank upstairs had been leaking for a week and flooded the upstairs bathroom and hall, came through the ceiling and walls into our kitchen (with wood floors) and our dining room. It went through the floor and flooded the basement with several inches of water.  The good news is that the water missed my piano by a few inches.  It also missed my violin.  It could be worse.

Well played Universe.  Well played.


Lisa Campbell said...

That really, really sucks. I'm so sorry. What are the chances, seriously? Kinda makes you want to get a house sitter next time, though I previously would have said they were pointless. Good luck with getting it all cleaned up.

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