This little wild woman is always up to something.

Hi, Bye bye, uh-oh, dog, mama, dada, "gaga" for grandma, puppy, baby (she calls herself baby and I love it), "baba" for bottle, NO!!!, STOP! (with hand held up), up, dog and she makes other sounds that aren't really words like haha for funny, lala for singing etc. It is SO FUN. She is such a little peanut it seems ridiculous for her to be running, climbing and talking like she is. She is giving the cutest little kisses and hugs that just melt my heart.
Red Fish is starting to learn how to use pronouns and add in words like "is, the, am, a" etc. She is getting much better at her "s and "f" sounds and has started using a lot of words with consonant, vowel, consonant, vowel combinations and her mean length of utterance (number of words used in a sentence) is growing. Exciting stuff!
We took her to an occupational therapist this week to help with some of the sensory issues she has been having but I think we are going to try some of the activities at home and have my sil M.E. do massage work (one of the recommended treatments) on her for awhile rather than jump into another weekly appointment. Hopefully getting some of these sensory issues that affect her oral motor control will help her keep progressing as well as she has been. Now if I can just get a doctor to say I need regular massages...
Between New Fish's newfound vocabulary and Red Fish huge progress in speech lately, our house is even noisier than usual. I'm pretty sure that anybody who calls must think I live in a combination daycare/dog kennel/insane asylum!